Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to Colorado!

Yesterday I flew into Denver Airport arriving for my two weeks at New Staff Training. 150 of us jumped into charter buses to take a gorgeous two hour drive through the Rocky Mountains to get to Young Life’s Crooked Creek Ranch in Fraser, CO.

Not only was I excited to be with 150 other first year Young Life staff members, but I was in awe of the handiwork of God all around me. This was my first time in mountains of this magnitude! I’ve walked around for the last 24 hours with my jaw dropped and my heart in worship to the Creator of this beautiful land!

Tonight, after our first day here, we are kicking of 1 of 2 seminary courses that all staff are required to take: Foundations of Youth Ministry and Communicating Christ to Adolescents. I am excited to learn, once again, as a student of the Word, this time sitting under professors from Fuller and Dallas Theological Seminary!

I have some prayer requests as I am away from the South Side and here in the mountains:

  1. Academic focus. As this is a seminary course, we have had lots of reading and papers and there are many more to come. Often my mind is elsewhere, thinking of the upcoming ministry opportunities and new transition concerns
  2. Urban connections. Many of the staff here are suburban and rural focused, and though I have made special connections with many of them, there is something about the connection with those who do urban ministry. Pray that I can be encouraged and encourage those around me to push forward for Christ.
  3. Heart refreshment and new passion. I want this time to be that of renewal and new fervor for the calling of Christ to ministry.

I will keep you all updated on my time here! Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittney,
    Enjoy reading your blog! My brother-in-law works at Frontier Ranch and I was on YL staff for 8 yrs! Could you tell me who your professors are?
    Have a great time & keep warm!
