Monday, May 25, 2009


Two weeks from today we'll be kicking off staff training. So far, there have been so many answers to prayer...
**I found summer housing at an apartment only 2 blocks from Sunshine. I have two girls as roomates who are doing a different internship with us.
**Support continues to come in. Thank you all for your contributions and sacrifice.

For now, I'm at home in Indiana for a few weeks of relaxing. Though I'm currently in a hospital in Grand Rapids with my grandma, so far I have been able to unwind from a chaotic junior year. Until my move to the South Side the weekend of June 6th, I'm spending lots of time with God renewing and refreshing, and doing lots of brainstorming for the summer. For now, please pray that:
1. God will continue to let plans fall into place for the summer (ie. programing, kids signing up, etc.)
2. The staff's relationships with Christ will flourish so our summer is centered in His will.
3. That the kids will continue to stay safe in their neighborhood and their hearts will be prepared for what God has in store for them this summer.

Thanks so much for staying involved. I'll continue to keep you all updated!

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